New List Building Course Coaches on Latest and Workable Internet Marketing Tactics

Srini Saripalli, a professional information marketer who is often referred to as a business strategy expert and success engineer, is Launching "List Building 360", a list-building online training program/home study course, beginning Saturday April 12, 2008.

(PRWEB) March 18, 2008 -- Srini Saripalli, a professional information marketer who is often referred to as a business strategy expert and success engineer, is Launching "List Building 360", a list-building online training program/home study course, beginning Saturday April 12, 2008.

List building and email marketing methods that were in vogue when the World Wide Web was a young thing still remain in vogue today. Internet marketers have abused email marketing to such an extent that people are junking even genuine emails - now, it has become impossible to generate sales using these Jurassic Web 1.0 strategies. The result is that many infopreneurs are failing in their Internet marketing business and are losing their entrepreneurial steam rapidly.

List Building 360 promises to change all that. The course stays clear from unsuccessful, corny and age-old email marketing and list-building tactics, and focuses on practical and workable Internet marketing strategies based on a combination of savvy online and offline tactics. The course is geared towards existing internet marketers who are desperately looking for new, in-depth, expert list-building information that will enhance and revitalize their business model and deliver them the profits they always dreamed about. Aspiring internet marketers are also welcome to join the course.

List Building 360 will coach on the merits of employing a results-yielding integrated approach - an approach that will turn the list-building concept on its head and coach the participants about new and revolutionary techniques more suitable and workable in our present Web 2.0 and social media age. The course is made up of dynamic list-building training modules that will demonstrate:

-How to find highly motivated customers;

-How to explore new territories and markets;

-How to segment & target precisely;

-How to get that competitive edge with innovative products and

-How to get faster results with marketing campaigns;

-How to perform all of the above profit-generating actions by spending the least amount of time, effort and resources. and many more..

Moreover, this being a training program, it is ideal for home business owners who want to enhance their Internet earnings. Srini Saripalli adds a rider though: "Target your prospects with relevant messages across 360 degrees and you will have success. Note that, Internet marketing is a serious business for serious people who believe in doing serious work.

By: Srini Saripalli, a professional information marketer